Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cool Change

"Time for a cool change
I know that it's time for a cool change
Now that my life is so prearranged
I know that it's time for a cool change"
---- Little River Band----
(Cool Change)
Today, is actually the "Beginning", and now, today is almost over. Am quite nervous because am not sure how long will this feeling continue to wrap up my soul... my consciousness. I've learned the truth that we should not trust the present completely. Am pressured for the fact that destiny is at my hands... I don't know exactly how long I could hold on to grasp it tight, but every moment counts.
I'm about to leave the things I've always depended on for almost a year now. It was like a ritual... a routine... and now, a sudden change. A good riddance in my view, though, but its hard. Its hard to leave the tangible things we touch everyday, but its harder to leave the feeling of nostalgia. It is for the fact that we are dependent in our memories... even though it is painful.
We love the pain because it reminds us that we are real in existance. We love the pain even though it kills us slowly, because we know that we are not numb. We are happy for the gift of poignancy because we better have it that way than to be numb... no one finds joy in numbness.
That is why its so hard to leave the past. The way we are, the way we were, days turned into years but your eyes are still drowned by your tears. We think we can change our lives, but it is the life that changed us. It isn't about you, it isn't about me, and neither about us... it is about everything. We need to die each day we live because it is between hope and another day less to live. We need to hurt those we need and to destroy those we love because of insecurities, without realizing that as we hurt them, the pain strikes back to us twice.
As poignancy turns into a sweet reverie... we are indeed a prisoner of our own pasts. But we should not live with the past... do not live with the past, but do not forget it either... after all, you'll never be the person you are right now without it. Never forget you past... because the more you struggle to forget it, the more you're living it.
Never let the past prevail over you present... and neither your present over your future.


I thought "Poseidon" was a sort of a suspense-type film, but it turned out, for me, a drama. I ended up crying at the cinema. Oh! well, maybe am just really too neurologically emotional. Yeah, I remember, when I've got to watched Star Wars and Matrix before, I also ended up crying, though, they're actaully Sci-Fi movies. Weird!... And yes! do I have to mention that even the movie "Mission Impossible 3" made me cry?!!... Weird!... Doubled!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Do Not Blame The Devil

To bite the apple
Is the answer to enigma
Its but a choice of the couple
And not of the Boa.

Thou tasted the river of Lethe
Found thyself in the Labyrinth of oblivion
Lachrymose and lethiferous lethargy
A way to bewitching rebellion.

It thou brought astigmatism
Both sides symetrically rational
But the beast didn't declare Marxism
Only devouring insatiably the intellectual.

O! Thy mind is the omphalos of onanism
Thou art the apprentice of thy own soul unreveal
Thou art the nebula of embryonic diabolism
Ergo, do not blame the Devil.

Third Revelation

I wonder why its always in the third sequel of the movie, where most of the main characters die and the most tragic events happen. For instance, in "Matrix" films, in the "Revolution", the characters died. In "Star Wars" series, it was in "The Revenge Of The Sith" where the tragic Darth Vader was born, and again, almost all of the main characters there, died too. Now, in "X-Men 3", a tragic story of power, again happened. I still can't believe, or should I say, I still cannot accept the fact that Professor X is already dead. Though the ending seemed to be "not-the-final-conclusion", because the voice of Professor X was heard in the last scene before the total "lights-on" of the cinema occur, I still feel sorry for Professor X/ Sir Charles Xavier.
But then... where the beginning ends... the end begins.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Gemini And The Apprentice

It was a long run. The battlefield was so intense with socio-political warfare. The economy was once in a great crisis... a risk was at stake. No one dared to fight the dictatorial monarch except the Gemini and the poor apprentice.
Silence was the hostile mist that governs the heart of the chief. While the king almost dismissed his queen. But the queen and the chief has a secret affair... No! it isn't a love affair... rather, a political affair that plans to destroy the dictatorial monarch govern by a diabolic king.
The chief and the queen continued to pursue the plan, but their heart was so weak, that even their souls became prisoners of their own fear.
Soon there was the apprentice, willing to help the chief and the queen. But fear was so far gone rooted beneath their souls that made them, even, turn their backs to the poor apprentice.
The apprentice was so damn down, until the Gemini appeared to him and gave him a hand.
The Gemini was both fair. One was taller to the other, like a big sister to the little one - who, on the other hand, was far braver than her taller partner.
The small girl once, had a doubt because her senses were different from the typical inhabitants of the kingdom. She has a spirit of a warrior, but a face of an angel. She has a beautiful soul, but a heart of a goth. She is full of ironies. She never thought that the sword that she holds, and the sword that her partner holds will come accross an intersection. And with that axis came forth another sword, which was the apprentice's.
The intersection where the three swords met became their hidding place for their meetings. Blood, sweat, and tears were mixed in that little room bounded with courage, wisdom,and honesty.
Soon, the three of them were inside the arena of the kingdom fighting the wicked king. The chief and the queen were just watching from a distant place not knowing what to do because their hearts are still filled with fear.
Then suddenly, a shout of victory was heard... could it be that the king, once again prevailed?!...
Everyone was in deep anguish for the Gemini and the apprentice who were there fighting the matchless warrior... the king.
The gates were opened...
And there they saw two girls holding each other's hand and their sword on their other hands... and a man bleeding but still standing tall... its the Gemini and the apprentice!
They won! They finally ended the king's life!
The chief and the queen gave a feast for their new heroes.
Soon, the long lost old organization, once again, appeared in the face of the kingdom. They were long hidden because the king once, despised them to death. This old organization called "The Preor", were the silent activist of the old monarch, writing different protests in the form of poetries and songs. It is within, lies a treason for the king.
The Preor, in memory of the history made by the Gemini and the apprentice, wrote a book about the nobility, courage, and honesty of these three heroes. It was published and still in the circulation until nowadays.

P.S. ...the tide was high, the wind was strong, the wave was horrendous. But we steadfastly held tight to our anchor knowing that our cargo was so precious. And as we reach the distant shore, we have just proven that, truly, we are the captain of our own ships.

P.P.S. This is a true story... infact, this is our story.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The World Is Not Da Vinci's

It seems like the world is being intoxicated with that movie (TDVC)!... so much about it!
Some people are narrowing their minds about the topic, while, worst, others are even closing their minds.
Being open minded doesn't mean you have a hole in your head... it means you're willing to learn.
Let me ask YOU... is marriage forbidden? - NO!
Does being a father a sin? - NO!
So what's the deal if Jesus married Mary Magdalene and if they even had a daughter?
Still, HE is blameless!

O! Draconian Devil
Oh! Lame Saint!
P.S. Find your faith!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Warm Hands... Cold Shoulders...

"Don't judge the book by its cover."
A paradox but true - "Don't judge me cause am not a book... and because you're not even a judge."
I don't know the cycle of the minds of these people... they have the responsibility but they are not giving enough response. And now, they're trying to turn the whole story upside down, portraying that am irresponsible.
Let me tell you (all of you... especially you) something. I know my responsibilities and once I accepted a job... no matter what, I will do it.
Things became complicated because you never dared to reach out.
I was not able to reach out to everybody because I don't have the code.
You hold the codes and you even got mine... it is your big damn responsibility to reach out for me as to everyone. But you failed to do that.
I did not fail you, I was there all the time... even before the time. I stood up over there just as what everybody has expected me to do.
And you never expected me to be there - right?
You thought you could just abolish me and run the whole system. But I've got the guts far more headstrong than what your naked eyes can see. Believe me, am more than what you know - I may even be a threat... so beware of the curtains you're simply bumping with... it might not be a curtain no more but already a wall... that will hurt, ofcourse!
Now am finally decided.
These people with such warm hands but cold shoulders are like Pharisees trying to be Puritans, but their pureness are not genuine.
You're acts and gestures will judge you...
Woe unto you hypocrites!... The modern Pharisees!
I thank God for the answered prayer again... as always.
P.S. So what if the documents are true?!
So what if Jesus was really married to Mary Magdalene?!
So what if there are so many rejected Gospels?... that the Bible is not that accurate?!
I don't care! ... its not that I don't believe them, because in fact, at the back of my mind, am thinking about the probabilities of its reality. It maybe true.
But I already accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour.
I already accepted Him as the Son of God, the one who was redeemed.
The one who has given me Salvation.
Nothing will ever change that... NOT even the TRUTH!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Tracking The Wrong Scene

Saw the movie "The Da Vinci Code" yesterday with my co-editors... we've been waiting for that movie the whole month! Well, the movie is just "FINE!" but it did not satisfy my expectation... as I always thought... as I anticipated.
1. Silas was an Albino and his iris were supposed to be colour red.
2. The numbers used as codes in the bank were supposed to be entered twice. The first attempt was the jumbled numbers, then the second attempt was the Fibonacci sequence.
3. There were supposed to be two cryptex to be solved. SOFIA and APPLE.
4. There should be a church keeper, a boy to be exact, in the place where they were looking for the knight with a missing orb.
5. The keeper of the church in the last scenes were supposed to be Sophie's brother.
P.S. I only mentioned 5... but there are still a lot more, missing things and events in the movie compared to the book itself.

1. Robert Langdon's Mickey wrist watch.
2. Vernet's Rolex wrist watch.
3. The exact location.
P.P.S. In fairness, a lot of the scenes were undoubtedly somehow accurate.

"Being the last descendant of Jesus, will you destroy faith or will you renew it?" - Robert Langdon

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Apprentice

We know we are young... but we're not born yesterday!...
So don't treat us like we're morons... naive to the nerves... cause we're NOT!

Again... ambiguity is everywhere!

God Help Me Deal With These People... Amen.

Rock My World!!!

I don't know what's wrong with all these people condemning the Rock music... I don't see any diabolic passion in Rock music... nothing is wrong! Actually, try to reflect in the lyrics and not in the rhythm... and you'll realize how naive your ballads are... they talk about nothing but broken relationships... slow, yes they are... but plain as it seems.
I want a more passionate music... more passionate than the typical love ballads... and that's why I appreciate so much alternative rocks and other similar jives because its "more" real... its true to the bone marrow! Soothing to the hostile world... the world of hypocrites!
Honesty is supposed to be the language of music... its where the untold is being spoken... the lies becomes the truth!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Symetrical Vision

" ...Yeah, you'll lose the side of your circles
That's what i'll do if we say goodbye."
(The Day You Said Goodnight)
I thought it was trully the big break am asking for... but... am I wrong???
Looking to the positive side of the negative scenario... who knows its just the beginning of the long run... that you've just finally moved a step forward to the ultimate goal... who knows... only God knows how this play we're all in, will work on with our lives... who are we to judge the beginning when the script is not yet done. Do not race for tomorrow when the day is not yet over!
I finally arrived to the right conclusion that it was not just a mere coincidence but a play in the making... everything is set with a goal... you're a script-writer... I just hope that your script is not a tragedy in the making!... or else... everybody will suffer!
They say... some things we're looking for are just around the corner... BUT... what if you're trapped in a circle... how would you ever find what you're searching for when there's no more corners to turn to?!!!
Whew! So much for that!
Thank God for answering all my prayers!... prayer really works, though! :D

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bohemian Reverie

In the midst of chaotic circumstances, we ignore it's deeper meaning.
We do not realize that when there's nothing we bother about, no problems to solve, no one to think about... we are not preoccupied... we're not upset... no stress... yes, there's a deep sense of tranquility in our lives... but in such nothingness... comes the deep sense of EMPTINESS.

Don't come too late,
I'm afraid I can't wait that long,
There are a lot of things I need to attend to,
Its not that you're not that important to wait for,
But its a risk to wait for you not knowing if you're really coming.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Not So Medical

I hope am not suffering from Hydrocephalus secondary to Brain Emphysema... in Layman's term... ARROGANCE secondary to false confidence.
Sometimes, too much appreciation from others plus overwhelming complement given by unavoidable circumstances can lead you to this syndrome.
This syndrome is different from CONFIDENCE where in the Blood-Brain Barrier is intact... in Layman's term... the oxygen from you blood never gets into your brain... in short... you won't suffer from Brain Emphysema that leads to Hydrocephalus... known as ARROGANCE!

Tx: Reflex-on

Monday, May 08, 2006

Version 1.0

I can't believe my brain is working! haha!!! I figured out your anagram the moment I lay my eyes on it!
But then... cryptography is still the last thing I'll ever do...
1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21 (TDVC)

Private Dimension

Interpretation is the manipulation of one's point of view in a given idea.
We have different point of views, and you should respect mine as I respect yours... not only for the sake of being open-minded... but for the fact that its too childish to argue with such... though its not nonsense after all.
Weirdness is the usual term given to anyone who can sense something out of nothing...
For me, its not weirdness but a genuine sense of appreciation...
Infact, if weirdness is indeed the term, then all I can say is that, "Weirdness is the highest form of appreciation."
Then I wish we're all be weird, so nothing will ever be called "nonsense".
"Nothing" is simply " No Thing".
Yeah, my weirdness oftentimes gets me into some sort of weird stare from other people.
Weird things about me like:
I get mesmerized by the traffic lights.
I wonder so much about the sky that oftentimes people can sence my weirdness, cause am like an alien... first time to see the sky.
I dig too much, that make things deep though its not.
When the idea is so simple, I make it complicated... too complicated, infact.
The movie "Silent Hill" for most is just a simple story of revenge... but I think its more than just revenge.
In the movie states... "we should learn to fight the devil in the right way". True enough! Who knows? we might just be a conspiracy... the devil is so good... in doing evil!
Never let your fear be your faith... cause most of the time, fear is being used to bear forth faith... which is wrong! Faith is never a fear, and fear is only a false feeling of faith.
"Fear is just a False Evidence Appearing Real".
"Pain is just a weakness that remains in the body".
Learn to cope up with your pain, cause...
Pain can lead into fear,
Fear can lead into hatred,
Hatred can lead into revenge,
Revenge can lead into the devil itself!
Revenge is a form of justice...
But there are many forms of justice... why choose the devil's justice?
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking to whom he may devour." - 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Mad Season

" Do you think you can cope
You figured me out - I'm lost and I'm hopeless
Bleeding and broken - though I've never spoken
I come undone - in this mad season"
----Matchbox 20----
(Mad Season)

We watched the movie "Mission Impossible III" yesterday... and all I can say is... Whoa!!! Mission Impossible movies never failed to mesmerize me with their actions and extraordinary hi-tech gadgets that seem to be truly impossible.
"INDEPENDENCE" has a DIFFERENT meaning to you, perhaps!... You're having the wrong word!
I feel the darnest and dumbest feeling right now... falling in a cascade-like manner that seemed to be endless... where do I land?... No Idea!
I miss you but I don't want to see you... not that there's something wrong... but its just that, I don't think am ready. I can feel the friction of consciousness... this is NOT what friends are for... right?... Damn it! Wrong!
I have to testify the fate... to live the prophecy... to fulfill the destiny.
In that case I have to do what is right... setting aside the things ought to be set aside.
Before I forget, did I mention that "A", "B", and "C" have the same passion?... "For The Love For P.C." (so much for the "The Da Bc Code")... well, I've just mentioned it!
My bestfriend?!!... How in a world could that ever be?... "The Bestfriends' Wedding"
So much topic in only one post...
Truly it is a "Mad Season".
Am sorry but I have to... damn this f***in' s**t!
But then...
Thanks to JC for making this s**t day bearable!!!
P.S. Transparency is a camouflage... an art of letting everyone see that you're not hiding anything inside your closet but they'll never know that those once used to be skeletons were no longer bones but ashes everywhere in your garden.
Transparency is the greatest form of a lie!
Damn you hypocrites!... the cause of one's paranoia!