Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I Blame it on Time

This is an insight of a girl who believed... Until she was betrayed.
Kept on believing but still betrayed...
Fighting to still believe... But I blame it on time.

Time is just a state of a moment that passes by.
Take all your chances while you can.

Time is eternal, it won't stop, it will not decompose and it will not wait for you.

Irony of it... Time is something that will always exist for eternity but you cannot have it forever. You can only hold it for a while, then its gone before you know it... Gone... But it still there... It is still there but its no longer yours... Like a love that went astray... Went into somebody's arms... She's still there but no longer yours.

And time may heal a broken heart but it may also change the mind of a waiting heart...

When a heart that was longing for so long... Punched constantly by time until it learns to live without the one it is yearning for... A heart who grew numb because of brokenness. I blame it on time.

When a wound remained unclosed... Or a scar that remained in pain... I blame it on time...

That time that keeps on moving forward so fast without turning back... So selfish that it won't even wait for us to catch up... To move on with it... To pin our hearts with it so that hearts can also move on as fast as time goes by... But no... Time carries on... Sadly, sometimes, it carries on carrying pain on its back making every hearts moving on with pain.

I blame it on time.

When life cannot endure it.
When beauty cannot live with it.
When love cannot contain it

I blame it on time.


Always remember that in the end, God will not look upon your reputation on earth but He will look inside your heart and how much love your heart carried while you were walking here on earth.

This post is Inspired by a movie.

Friday, April 07, 2017

Oh! Laugh!

Three things that I've learned from the recent battle that I've faced in my life.

First: There are only three people you should care about to explain yourself in the midst of false accusations.
These are:
1. Your family and friends
2. The authority
3. Those people who really believes in you.

Never explain yourself to those people who don't like you, to those people who hate you and to those people who are insecure to you. Because "all lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest".
Even though you are right, if your bashers hate you, they will always come up with another reason to put a blame on you... So why bother explaining the truth to them if they will just disregard it because its you.

So just explain yourself to those who really care, and that's your family and friends.

Explain yourself to the right people who have the authority to judge the situation because they have the right to know the truth.

Explain yourself to those people who believe in you because they deserve to hear your side and because they will listen and they will believe.

Second: Never revenge nor ask something bad to happen to those who hate you.

Never give in to their cruel world. Train your heart to forgive. Train your heart to be patient. Train your heart to understand in the midst of chaos.

Smile. Let them know how graceful you are in handling delicate things.

Be not quick to judge. Try to understand why they are cruel or rude or bad. And if you can not comprehend why, then try your best to stay as far as you can. Do not sin because of others.

Third: Defend yourself without using harsh words.

"If the words you spoke appear on your skin, would you still be beautiful?"

Like Jesus who died on the cross blameless. He could have cursed those people who are mocking Him. He could have raised His voice to those who are accusing Him with false accusations. But He didn't. Because He knows the truth and truth will always redeem a righteous man.

And it is always glorious to defend yourself without using harsh words.

"Welcome to showbiz's world!!!"

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Stitches and Scars

Man can never be satisfied... Because we are created with a hole inside.

We can never be full because everything we take inside us goes out...
Because of that hole.

And we can only be contented if we close that hole inside us.

And contentment means happiness.

How can we close it?...
By trying to stitch it with needles and threads.
And by doing so... Pain is always a shadow that you can never leave behind.

What I'm trying to say is that, in the process of chasing happiness, we need to go through that process called pain. In order for us to become a better human capable of being happy, we should stitch our holes.
The process is never easy, but once the hole is gone, you become a happy, contented, better person.

So let the pain of every stitch seeped through the skin of your very soul, because EVERY SCAR MEANS A WOUND HAS CLOSED.