Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Post

not everyone who knows Jesus believes Jesus... and not everyone who has clean hands has clean nails as well 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stat Wars : Rise Of Parentin Hellwalker

Goodbye Master Obi Wan... I promise I will never join the Sith... unless they make me their new lord... =)

Well, what could I say, you are my Master Obi Wan Kenobi... Master Yoda has long been gone and left me with a lot of resposibilities even as a young padawan before... and now that I'm almost a master Jedi (but still learning the mastery itself)I would like to thank you because you are the one who taught me how to use the lightsaber and how to master it. And now you're leaving me. But it is your own sweet way, who am I to hold you back. Thank you for transforming me from being your padawan to now a master Jedi. Thank you Master.

love much,
Parentin Hellwalker

P.S. Do you love my new screen name? hahaha!!! I have to do it this way because I want to keep it this way. Thank you Master.

Friday, March 09, 2012


My God!!!! if that's YOUR opinion I'll let it be even though I don't agree...

still shocked of what i'm seeing in front of my screen...


I hope YOU'RE not kidding me... is that really your epitome of...? huh!

I'm a bit disgust now. Oh... well toys are toys... and sometimes they become bomb.

I know you're not getting me... so sad for YOU!

Piece of advice?...know your math bec. you're miscalculating someone called ME... and yeah, I could play dumb while thinking of the ways how to catch you and you'll realize how dumb YOU are for believing in my act of play.
I'm a real life actress. ;)

So much for my grumpy headed morning. =(

When will boys become men?
I could see your flaws... and yes, YOU are not perfect.

Oh! God help me to understand their nature.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My Glass Of Water

If you've been in a desert for quite sometime, will you drown your self in a glass of water?

Its been a drought since I can't remember and it just so happen that a certain circumstance brought me back to writing and I just got two nods from that (i thought would be) a crap. Yeah, it somehow welled up enthusiasm and confidence again and I've been thinking a lot lately if it is the right thing to go back and give up all that I've earned in the past four years of my career.

Ergo, I'm confused... that is why I'm not taking any step forward because the risk is too high and I'm still not sure of what to do.

Still got a lot of pending works, like the launching of my art web and photo gallery as well.

uhhh... so little time so much to do... and yet I'm not even close to the start.

So help me GOD!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Of Bread, Crumbs and Butter

You must know which bread you should butter and what crumbs you should throw.

To: Carcino-embryonic antigen a.k.a. CEA... Its such a shame on you to create a chaos in our world by pretending that your hands are clean. I was so disappointed the moment you declared your innocence by throwing the mud from your hands to ours. Such a shameful act on you to advertise our filthy hands when in fact, those dirt even came from you. You are a coward filthy shit that tries hard to pretend that you are clean... oh! well, is there a clean shit anyway? Soon everybody will smell your putrid scent and by then you will realize that what comes around goes around and what comes up must go down. - then we'll be redeemed.

TO: Garapon... its such a disappointment to realize that you instantly believed that carcino-embryonic antigen without seeking for a second opinion. Piece of advice... know the bread and the crumbs. Not because he initiated a small petty talk about something annoying means its all true... don't you even realize that he is creating a chaos in our world? Wake up - YOU! He is the real liar... what he is confessing is actually the lies... did I ever told you that he was the one who even captured a photograph of you just to have something to gossip? And he is turning the world up side down and you created a wall because of the lies that you've been fed.

And when all is well, a hope that is... one thing to remember...

Don't judge a soul by a lie that was told.