Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stat Wars : Rise Of Parentin Hellwalker

Goodbye Master Obi Wan... I promise I will never join the Sith... unless they make me their new lord... =)

Well, what could I say, you are my Master Obi Wan Kenobi... Master Yoda has long been gone and left me with a lot of resposibilities even as a young padawan before... and now that I'm almost a master Jedi (but still learning the mastery itself)I would like to thank you because you are the one who taught me how to use the lightsaber and how to master it. And now you're leaving me. But it is your own sweet way, who am I to hold you back. Thank you for transforming me from being your padawan to now a master Jedi. Thank you Master.

love much,
Parentin Hellwalker

P.S. Do you love my new screen name? hahaha!!! I have to do it this way because I want to keep it this way. Thank you Master.