'Tis finished!... It is done!
The battle is over.
It is like a finished movie just waiting for its date to be shown in the theatres.
It is written... Maktub.
It is written by the same hands that painted the sky with majestic sunset and breathtaking horizons of land. The same hands that calmeth the sea and counteth the dusts.
I wonder why people could just pass by the day without noticing the grand scenes of magnum opus. Because as for myself, I NEVER miss it. And it is such a wonder why I never get tired of appreciating it, though.
The testimony liveth.
The prophecy is true.
The destiny is fulfilled.
'Tis finished.
It is done.
It is written by the same hands... Maktub.
The battle is over.
It is like a finished movie just waiting for its date to be shown in the theatres.
It is written... Maktub.
It is written by the same hands that painted the sky with majestic sunset and breathtaking horizons of land. The same hands that calmeth the sea and counteth the dusts.
I wonder why people could just pass by the day without noticing the grand scenes of magnum opus. Because as for myself, I NEVER miss it. And it is such a wonder why I never get tired of appreciating it, though.
The testimony liveth.
The prophecy is true.
The destiny is fulfilled.
'Tis finished.
It is done.
It is written by the same hands... Maktub.