Friday, November 04, 2005

The Prize Of Fame

Its late in the afternoon, I just got home from a nearby comp. cafe where I've spent my whole boring day... Its so damn frustrating to have a 10 days off from your work and yet... you've got no one to hang out with... coz everybody have their holiday duties.
So... I'm in front of the computer... again! A while ago, I was surfing the net when I came across to this profile of an actor. Yup! an actor. I don't know him personally but he is a friend of my friend (they know each other personally coz they came from the same school back during highschool.) - so how are we connected? - (we're second degree friends!) hehehe!!! - well, he is a friend of my friend! - right?!
So to my boredom, I log into and checked out the profile of my friend's friend - the actor. And to my surprise, I've found several links. Yes, some of his fans used his name for friendster profile. So what I did, I clicked on the profile who's picture is as ordinary as a "not an actor". And amazingly I arrived to the real person I'm lookin' for.
I saw his pictures with his friends and his on and off showbiz girlfriend - (rumored that they're no longer on!) but hey! I just saw their latest pic - kissing! not to mention - on the profile of the real man. But how did I know he's the real actor? - because I checked out his friends and I saw my friend there - that's the conclusion after all.
So the cliche is true! That celebrities are just human... too. From that profile, I saw the inner life of that actor. And I can't help believing what I just saw. That this cutie TV personality is just a simple man with a simple life outside the world of local "Hollywood" industry. I admire him before because he is a good young actor and not to mention a real cutie. But I admire him more now for showing me the simplicity of his real life which no one knows except... those people close to him - and I'm lucky to have a connection!
Its the prize of fame as what they say. But if you have your own inner life, you'll never be a slave of your environment. That's something everybody should have... the INNER LIFE!...