Monday, November 07, 2005


"In the eyes of a child, his father will always be a hero..."
-- Road To Perdition --

I was once a kid , and I do love cartoons and superheroes. I grew up watching those kinds of kiddie TV programs. As I leave my childhood with those memories, I've realized that I never had my favorite superhero, even though I'm fond of watching them.
Now, I've just entered another new decade in my life. No more childhood cartoon superheroes, no more teenage romantic heroes. Now, I've just stepped in to a new phase of my life - the 20's life. Now I'm old, older that who I thought I was.
As I go through the memory lane of my life, I've noticed that there's this one person in my life who I never really talked about that much , but then, I've realized , he is my superhero.
When I was a child, whenever my mom gets mad, I always run to him. Everytime I cry when I was a kid, he always do something to make me smile, like, he'll make some paper toys just to stop me from crying, or he'll take me to the nearest store to buy me some candies. Everytime he arrived home from work, he always have some simple kiddie snacks for me and my big bros. Though he always say that he love us equally (me and my siblings), I've always felt that I'm special.
As I turn older, I always gain favor in his sight. Though I'm not the perfect daughter at all.
He is always there everytime I need someone to talk to about my life, he's always there to support me all the way in every aspect of my life. During my weakest moment, he stayed beside me and made me feel I'm not alone. He's always been a hero.
My Father Is My Superhero!!!
I look up to him so much, no one knows how much I love and respect him for being such the most incredibly positive influenced in my life. I became the person - the strong person I am right now because of him. No one knows (not even him - my father) the pain , the darkness, the struggles that I've faced along my life's road. No one knows coz I always pretend that I'm okey, I always wear a happy smile, and no one can notice the emptiness in it. No one knows the broken pieces in me, the missing and the gone part of my being. But I've survived in my life's arena because of how my father molded me as a person.
I admire the courage and the inner strength of my father. Even upon the weakest point of his being, I saw him struggled to spring fort strength out of his weakest point. I saw how his body, mind, and emotions were wrapped by a sudden trauma and I saw how this trauma made his physical body weak, but not his spirit. I saw how he struggle to fight his own emotional breakdown just for us to enable to still live the life we were used to. I'm a witness to all of his battles in the arena of life, I saw him bled, I saw him fell, but he always manage to stand again and fight constantly, ignoring the pain of his physical, emotional, and spiritual being. He is a man of integrity. When he said it, he mean it. That's the difference of my mother from him. I still remember, when I was a kid, my mom would usually promise something just for us to obey her, but after it was all done, the promise will remain just a word and not an action. I love my mom, but I don't take her promises seriously cause I grew up hearing them but not tangibly have them. It was an abused word from her. But when my dad promised something, no matter what it takes, he will keep his word and do it. That's why he earned my trust, that's why I look up to him so much because he never failed me with his words and promises.
I've learned how to keep my words and promises because of him. I've learned how to fight the battle of life's arena because of him. I've learned how to turn my weaknesses into strengths because of him. I'm happy that the Big Guy in heaven gave me such a "SUPER DAD". I'm really proud that he is my dad.
I am my dad's daughter...
And I'm also his biggest FAN!!!
-- Heavenly Father,
thank you for giving me
such an incredible
and responsible father.
Thank you for giving me
someone I could look up to
and follow to,
in order for me to be
the person you want me to be.
I bring back all the honor
and glory to you.
Amen. --