Saturday, August 21, 2021

Waxed Angels and Plastic Saints

 For the longest time, I realized that I am a "Theist". 
I believed in God but not in religion.
It all started when I was in 4th grade. I was born with an Adventist mother and a Catholic father, but I grew up bearing the religion of my mom. 
When I was in 4th grade, my parents enrolled me in a Catholic school and there I learned Catholic teachings and beliefs. That was the time I questioned which religion is true?
Growing up I read a lot of books. I read books of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity, even the books Osho and other agnostic and atheist books, I read these books about theology and religion just to search for that one true religion, but I failed.
Sometime in college, I questioned a lot of beliefs in our local church. I questioned beliefs from other churches as well. And from then on I realized that all religions have these "commercial evangelism". They keep on convincing people that they are the true and right religion, focusing on gaining more converts to prove that they are the right ones, and for all these superficial holiness, I realized that they worship the religion and not God at all. 
So I turned my back to all religions.
I still pray, though. Every single day and night. I still read the Bible, but I also read Quran and the Teachings of Buddha and other theological books. I only take the teachings and lessons from their books but not from their religions.
And after realizing that, I believe that I became a better man, because my faith is not in any religion but with God.