Today I did what I've been longing to do for the past couple of months. It is not that big, you know like trying to do bungee jumping or learning a new language, nothing like that though, but I was able to accomplish something for myself. Little things that could make a difference like talking to a lonely stranger. Yeah, that is what I did. I was at the park and a lonely stranger just needed someone to talk to and yup, I was the answer to his prayer. Only, I did not give him my real name and other whereabouts, of course for safety purposes because I still believe in what mothers usually say - "don't talk to strangers "...
And today, I also went to a public library and the experience was great because I do really love books and I've been dying to go to a library for the longest time and now I just did. Good job girl!!!
And I just spent the whole day by myself relaxing and doing what I love to do... arts. The art of everything.
I did some photography and wrote another raw song. Exactly what I've been longing to do so for the longest time.
Though at some point people think of this idleness as being irresponsible, but life is an obligation, an obligation to find yourself happiness. Life's achievement is not about money but how happy you are. Having a lot of money to relax and enjoy a happy life is the reason why we are working and not just to earn and earn and refuse to spend it at the end. We cannot take our money with us when we're buried six feet underground. So I say... work your ass and enjoy what you've earned.
Really, simple things are the rarest and once you got it, you are one lucky man. And yes, today is one simple day that I will cherish. A rare day for me.
Thank you Lord for this simple day. Simply beautiful day.
And with my voice praising God, in Jesus name and with the Holy Spirit,
P.s. (a footnote about her story)
I was somebody else today. I mean, it is the other me, or should I say, what I wanted to be. I was Hannah, that was my favorite name by the way, I could trade my name for that, and I'm taking my masters degree in arts and I am in holiday here while I write about my trip because I'm a photojournalist.
But with all the buts in the world, the mind wants quietude, a peace. And the only place the mind will ever find peace is inside the silence of the heart. And that's where I need to go. And that's where I'm heading.