Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My Glass Of Water

If you've been in a desert for quite sometime, will you drown your self in a glass of water?

Its been a drought since I can't remember and it just so happen that a certain circumstance brought me back to writing and I just got two nods from that (i thought would be) a crap. Yeah, it somehow welled up enthusiasm and confidence again and I've been thinking a lot lately if it is the right thing to go back and give up all that I've earned in the past four years of my career.

Ergo, I'm confused... that is why I'm not taking any step forward because the risk is too high and I'm still not sure of what to do.

Still got a lot of pending works, like the launching of my art web and photo gallery as well.

uhhh... so little time so much to do... and yet I'm not even close to the start.

So help me GOD!