“Quis custodet ipsos custodes?” - “Who will guard the guards?”
Silence is golden but sometimes it is just plain yellow. Patience is a virtue but sometimes it is just a waste of time... for every thing there is a time - “... a time to love, a time to hate; a time for war, a time for peace.” (Eccl. 3:8 KJV)
So if I've been working for peace for quite a long time now, then I'm fed up. I will rise and I will start the war.
The battle has begun.
I always believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. The tongue is sharper than the razor. And the human heart is more venomous than that of the scorpion sting.
I tried my best to forgive you and give you another chance after another, but this is the last straw and there's nothing more to ask for. It is my dignity that you are trying to invade and destroy. I'm telling you, I won't let that happen, I won't sit here and wait until I can no longer stand and fight. So while I still have my strength, I will fight you with all my might until you run and hide and live like hermits in the forest. You provoked me to start this war. To kill one might save a million.
You are suppose to guard this place, you are suppose to protect us, but we are NOT safe from you. We are guarding ourselves against you. You are wearing that uniform like a sepulcher, like a noble man, but your soul has never seen even a spark of light. “... for you are like whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness!” (Matt. 23:27 KJV)
You provoked me to start this war, so I did, and I will finish it. I guarantee your defeat! I will win this battle in God's name!
“A soldier fights in a battle not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is in his back.”
I fight because my dignity is at my back.