Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Big Break!

Have a break...
Have a...
Yesterday, I passed 2 of my literary piece to the official University Paper of FEU-NRMF School Of Medical Technology. I feel quite lucky because the deadline of submission (for contributors) was last friday but I was not able to pass my piece due to brain and heart dillema. A part of me wants to pass that stuff for the Paper, while the other half of me was too unreasonably insecure. But optimism still prevailed... again!
(OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS): Recently I've heard the news that you are the new Editor In Chief of our local publication... CONGRATS!!! I don't know you and neither you know me, we just go to the same place at the same time in a particular the same day... but I know you deserve it. I'm happy for you but I feel so damn frustrated for myself. I've been there for 5 years now, and just like me, you were too. But look how far you've come now, you're already the EIC while me... am not even a member! I don't envy you, neither am jealous, I'm just frustrated because I feel like a doormat, a flower vase... nothing at all.
I need a break, a big break that will start everything.
May God Grant This To Me!!!