Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Fallacious Beautiful Truth

 But never put your faith 
In your memories.
Oh! For they are but fragments 
Of little lies,
Shades of white and gray,
And all the colors of the prism.
Transcends as anamnesis
Of how you want to remember 
The things that happened 
And how you wanted it to be.
Altering the history 
Of your own version of stories,
Tales of folks
Created by your reverie.
Your memory is a poison 
Forging its way as an antidote.
From lies to becoming your beautiful truth.
Your fallacious beautiful truth.

Rain and Coffee Mood

The blend of scents 
Of coffee and petrichor
Coalesced with the breeze 
Of early autumn blow
Melding and caressing 
Senses so appealing 
Finding its way
Zephyr to my heart.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Home in the City

I've traded my memories 
For the oblivion 
Of the space between happiness 
And sorrow.
To float.

And in the shades of greys,
I heard voices
Of the ghost 
Retuning back.
And so my heart remembers
Those memories 
That I've sold a thousand forgotten times.

And in the glistening drops of rain,
A Hiraeth envelopes my soul.
Reminding me
That you were my home
In this busy City.

A Delicate Flash

 But we were never meant to burn,
Not even embers 
To keep warm
In the midst of the winter.

We were just a spark.
A fleeting moment of light.
Not even a smoke to trace
What once were.

We were a delicate flash.
A kindle too weak 
In the midst of a blow,
To even form a fire.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

 There is a place 
In your heart 
Called abyss.
A place where thoughts are buried.
In oblivion.
But neither theories nor algorithms can explain,
How these lost memories 
Traces their way back.
Familiar and forgotten feelings.
Fragments of pain and bliss.
Mosaic and abstract.
Into one masterpiece...
Blended into distinct emotion.

Peace with My White Dress

 And in the silence of the night
I stopped screaming.
And I whispered in the most sincerest 
And tranquil way with the wind - 
"I forgive you".
Absquatulated with my supposed to be fate,
Time doesn't chase me anymore.
I've made peace with my white dress a long time ago


 But does being strong makes you happy?
Does your scars makes you braver than before?
Does the past and the memories makes you feel nostalgic?
That even the ghost that you're most afraid of
Doesn't make you shiver anymore. 
It can haunt you but you're not scared anymore.