Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Got a really rough day today...
So I gotta head on my comfort food.
Pesto and Coffee makes the shit days... Bearable.


Left of my Heart

 And there you go again,

Igniting what's left of my heart.

Like embers on ashes

Touched by your breath.

Singing the Ballad of Sunsets and Shooting Stars with You

 And so while,

They are all picturing
The beautiful sunset,
I found myself
Staring at your face.

And all the while,
While everyone is wishing
With the shooting stars,
I found myself falling
For you.

Been Busy

 And I've been busy
Thinking about you.
Thinking about
The should have's,
Would have's,
And couldn't have.

And you've been busy,
Painting rainbows
In my midnight skies.
Making my mouth curve
Like a crescent moon
When you smile.

 So I listen to Damien Rice's songs to soothe my nerves today while overthinking about my book that I submitted last week for publication.

Been crossing my fingers and kneeling for this to happen.

Still waiting for their + response about it.

My Hope is full, I will make it this time now, yeah! πŸ™πŸ˜Š❤️

Monday, March 27, 2023


 Forgive me with my intrusion,
To your soulful eyes,
Bless my life,
With a moment of your imagination.

Make me smile with
The borders of your jaws,
The tan of your skin glows,
And the scars on your fists.

Oh! But let me hold on to this,
Flickering embers in ashes,
Glimpse of hope of the hopeless,
A second of your finest breath.

Am I deserving of your attention?
My way to you is so broken and chaos and filthy,
Made me so ugly with all that is left of me,
My demons and monsters seek for your devotion.

But til then, I'll be dancing with your eyes,
Linger in the moment,
While it last with my atonement,
Until forever may it last.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

And we're on repeat again and again and again, again. 🎡🎢

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Despise Your ❤️

 Despise your heart

For not keeping your demons,

Banked on the shore so far,

While you sail away for so many reasons.

Despise your heart

For still hoping that monsters, 

Can change and start

To become divinely angels.

Despise your heart

For believing still,

On things that

Even miracles cannot make real.

For your heart is a poison,

Made of scorpions and snake venoms.

Lying to yourself,

Make believe in golden dusts on the shelves.

But these are just ashes,

Strewn away but no one catches.

Undying hope of a lover,

Despise your heart for it doesn't know how to surrender.

Friday, March 03, 2023

Wishes I've Whispered to Orion

But I no longer see my path ending up to your face.
The stars that once aligned suddenly bend in the outer space.
Became just a ball of fire emitting light,
To guide me through the dawn during the darkest night.

All the wishes I've whispered to Orion,
Became just words that vanished in the constellations.
Pour out my unpure heart with my desperate fervent prayers,
But destiny knows the fate of my unsent letters.

With my hopes still scourging in the embers,
As the air blows away the remaining ashes,
I say a little mantra, a beautiful prose,
To finally find myself from what I've lost.