Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Periwinkles Dream

Even then you were tall

And I was not high.

But if I have to fall,

Is there a chance that you'd fly?

And for the moment in our lives,

Please don't get surprise

If I fell in love with you

For a while.


I dreamed about periwinkles, violet and white. And in my dream I have that sense of wanting and longing which I couldn't fathom. So I walked through the aisle full of periwinkles. Then someone in my dream, I believe she is a mentor or something, told me that if those violet periwinkles turn into pink and red, you'll finally get what you've been praying for with all those stars at night.

So I looked around but saw only violet periwinkles turning white. And she said, they're taking their time. From violets, they'll turn to white first, then pink and red. Don't pick the whites yet, for they are still bitter.

Then I woke up.


And After days of daze.

I found a fallen pink periwinkle right on my steps.