Saturday, April 24, 2021


If you will ask my daughter what advise did she get from me about reading books, she will say -"always re-read your books, cause there will always be a new lesson to learn. You missed it once, you'll miss it again".

Reading is one of my first influence to my daughter. I introduced her in the world of books at the age of 2, and she learned how to read by herself by the age of 3. 

Whenever we go out for shopping, you will surely find us at the bookstore (that is if we are not at McDonald's or Starbucks).

We usually talk about different stories and song lyrics before bedtime. And we actually have this list of her to-read books, like for her coming 8th birthday, I will give her The Little Prince. We already talked that by age 10 she shall be reading Charles Dickens' novels. And by age 12 she shall have  Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. 

Writing is a good invention.
And reading is the innovation of writing.

Reading is the first step to illumination.

And encouraging children to read is actually shedding a light in their minds.