Saturday, November 14, 2020

Joey Potter

I remember that day when I thought that love was sick
That day when I wore that red lipstick
Was also the day I believed that love is brave
When you told me that I look great.

Though I still want to climb that ladder up to your window
The way I run to my boat while you glance below
But I'm no longer that girl from the other side of the creek
Too tall and almost a geek
For I've learned and now I know better
Than the girl who dreamed that she's Joey Potter.

I remember that day when I started believing Dawson
But the real Pacey just came along
The day I believed that love is indeed strong
But you have to walk away if you don't belong.

So now I sing the old song
About the young I was
About the dream I once longed
About the tale of us.