Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eat my Pride

Thoughts over morning coffee...

My random thoughts this morning made me ask myself this question...

If today is your last day, what will you eat?

So I answered myself as well...

I'll definitely eat my PRIDE.

Ohhh! I know I'm witty! 😁

But seriously, if I'll be dead anyway then what's the use of my pride. This is just a burden within my chest so why not eat it all away and go to that person and say all the emotions that you have.
No shame...
You'll be dead anyway - right?

We keep our pride because we're ashamed of the might and could be - the consequence.

I myself have that pride too.

So I don't mind eating it if its my last meal.

But since I don't feel like I'll be dead later today...
So I'll just have eggs and coffee for now.

...because I can't still swallow my pride.
I am too coward for that.