Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Thousand Emotions

Evolution of skill is a must to grow and flourish.
Evolution is to elevate as well.
Elevation in art is going beyond your usual style.
In time, you have to be bolder.
You have to have more intense mixture to express the message of your work.
After all, great artists' works were always bold, intense, deep but expressive.

My latest work signifies a leaf...
An autumn leaf...
Which stands for FALL.

While the mixture of colours at the background depicts emotions.
Different kinds of emotions being represented by colours.
Red for love and passion as well as angst.
Green for new beginnings as well as envy and jealousy.
Blue for calmness and loneliness.
Violet for hope and frustration at the same time.
Yellow for brightness but also for fear.
Orange for happiness but also for bitterness.
Brown for being human.

This is about you..
About me...
About all of us falling to our emotions everyday.
In between two meanings with each colours.
And it is up to Us to choose whether we hope or we despair.

After all...
A picture paints a thousand words...