These are the moments when you feel like flying without wings,
You're drowning without water,
You're holding without a grasp,
You breath without air.
And I'm not so sure if I'm happy or lonely, all I know is that I'm alive.
I'm breathing... But you always take my breath away... How's that?
I'm not asking you to catch me when I fall.
I'm asking you to jump with me....
Let us land together...
If not, crash together.
Let's pick up the broken pieces together...
Heal the wounds together...
Just be together in everything while everything is landing to their right places.
And I almost believed that I've found a home before.
But I'm always wondering why I've always felt something was wrong.
It's like my heart knows those places are just rented homes,
As I travel the road all alone.
But stars lined up guiding me...
Like every road and every sign
Leads me next to your line.
These are the times when every pain has a reason...
Every song has a meaning...
There is beauty in simplicity...
The wind whisphers love...
And the stars lined up spelling your name.
Underneath the black skies...
Cold zephyr...
Warm coffee...
The beauty of the fall.