Monday, August 19, 2019
I've been a fan of the Beatles since I was 3 or 4 years old. My dad would usually play their songs early in the morning before he goes to work and at that young age I always thought that they are pure genius. I love almost all of their songs that at that young age as well, I was already thinking deep of what were the meanings behind those songs.
When I was in highschool I got this thing about Tesla's Time Machine that at that time I told myself that if I could go back in time then I will go back to the time before the Beatles were born and I'll be playing their songs and no one would know that it was theirs. Such imaginations, I know, I'm a kid, forgive me.
But I also thought that if I do that, I might not be as successful as they are. Maybe people will not accept that kind of songs because it would be a different set up if we try to rewrite the past.
So 22 years later, this movie "Yesterday" is doing what I've imagined back in 1997, with just a little difference since my imagination was about time travel while the movie is about a fragment of history lost.
And it's funny how coincidence happen right before your eyes.
I just hope that losing The Beatles will not happen in our real lives cause it would be grievious losing those music that gave us the definition of art.