My 6-year old daughter asked me why people make mistakes and I answered her - "People make mistakes because we are not perfect. But here's the thing, it's ok to make mistakes just as long as you will learn something from it. Because if you didn't learn anything from it, you missed the point of making one. " and she just said - "ok!"
So here's what I thought about that conversation I just had with her.
We, parents, are our child's first heroes. They look at us as if we are supermen and wonder women. They thought we can do all the things great and small, the possibles and the impossibles as well. Until the dawn of their innocence break and our image shatters and all that is left to see is just plain human being.
But that is how they will grow as an individual. Reality will be inevitable to bite them. They will see the flaws, get mad at it, try to be the best, be independent and strong for themselves. Because after the shattered image, they will learn that love conquers the imperfections and the picture they once saw in you remains to be their hero struggling to become their own image.
So it is very important for us, parents, to have that strong but loving image to our children because we will always be their first real heroes.