An accidental poetry happened as I poured my broken heart out, and as it reached the floor it shattered like a glass strewn all around.
And while some songs are broken, I think it hurts more when you know the story behind the words.
How your eyes like the sky are like windows through forever.
Looking at them I could see the stars and heavens.
And your hair as gold as the sun that refused to set is like my broken heart that refused to stop beating for you.
I swear I could be one of those throwing diamonds at you to look my way.
But you are the golden boy and she's a simple girl who won the heart of the hearthrob. It could have been me if only I'm lucky or maybe a little bit weak. And with all those instruments he's rocking you, you rock his world more than you knew.
And its funny and sad at the same time knowing that I'm not the only one singing songs for you. My songs are not the only songs written for you. My heart is just one in a million that is beating for you and maybe the lucky bitch feels the same way too.
But I couldn't be happy for you knowing that our lines will never cross.
Like I'm flying towards the east and you're boarding on the west coast.
Chances come and go but the chance did not even come my way. I tried to build a chance but it all burned the same day.
So I blamed it on the stars, I blamed it on you.
Till I got tired of blaming others so I took the blame too.
Now there's no one to blame, no more regrets, no longer in shame.
Just fate unravelling in arbitrarily.
No more what if's no, no more if only's.
Just day to day lives we live in.
Truth hurts.
Truth is ugly.
But you are the one true thing that is beautiful.
Beautiful tragedy in a form of poemic art.
All written like a ballad for a rockstar.