The good ol' days...
Was when we were young and dreaming of getting old.
And now that we are old, we are yearning to go back to those good ol' days.
The good ol' days...
Was when ignorance and innocence were hard to distinguish.
And we were both of them.
And now that we are old, both had fade away like history in our memory.
The good ol' days...
Was when wounds heal so easily and scars don't mean a thing.
And now that we are old, even time can't heal our souls, and our scars grow deeper.
The good ol' days...
Was when your embrace was warm.
And now that we are old, though we're so close to the fire we still feel so cold.
The good ol' days...
Was when the music was so sweet lingering in our ears.
And now that we are old, the silence is deafening our numbing senses like everything is just fragments of a distant memory.
The good ol' days...
Wasted in our youth.
Begging to go back but we are too old...
Too old to go back to the good old days.