How to win without a war?
There is a cliche that says "fear is something you cannot lose but you can overcome".
For the longest time I believed that.
And until now I still do, though there is a thing or two that I could actually add.
One, you can overcome fear with love.
And two, you CAN LOSE FEAR if you lose love as well.
And it all goes back to love.
That love that taught us to die for it is the same love that teaches us to live for one more day.
Love can overcome your fear for it gives you the will to do things you thought you can never do, like jumping off a cliff with her or admitting your feelings in front of him.
Everybody knows that already.
But how to lose fear?
You can lose fear if you stopped loving.
You see, love is the one reason why we fear.
Because of love we are afraid to lose, because of love we tend to become greedy and possessive, because of love we fear.
Love makes us strong but it also makes us weak.
We are afraid to lose our parents, our children, our spouse... Because we love them.
We are afraid to lose our money, our wealth, our possessions... Because... Admit it, we do love those material things as well.
But imagine that we don't love them, imagine if we don't love anything at all... Definitely, fear will leave us because fear can no longer preoccupy our thoughts about losing someone so dear or so important to us.
It is hard to admit that that love we say could overcome our fears is the same love that feeds our fears.
Love feeds fear in a way or should I say... In every way.
Fear keeps us from danger.
As what they say... Nothing is more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose.
And as long as you have love inside of you... You will always have something to lose.
And fear will be the constant companion of love.
So how to win without a war?
By controlling the situation.
So how do we overcome fear?
By controlling love and not letting love control you.
As what I've said before here in my blog... The most powerful is the one who can control his power.