...but the art of music is in the passion of the artist.
There are a lot of singers who could really sing well but only a few sings with passion.
A lot of really great singers sing to impress the crowd, and a lot more popular singers nowadays sing for money and to impress the crowd.
But only a handful of passionate singers sing to express their music.
And I salute those artist who don't give a damn to impress the crowd as long as they could express their passion, their emotions, their own way of patriotism...
Just about the truth behind their music.
I believe that those artists who are true in expressing their music are the real great ones.
It really isn't about popularity...
It is how you express the music.
And it doesn't matter if only a few could understand you.
Because those who can understand you are the ones who could understand what art really is...
It is not just what the eyes could see... Its about everything that only true artists could see.
And if a picture could paint a thousand words... Then your song is a melody of a thousand emotions.
Salute to those artists who do art with passion.