"And no one knows except the both of us
And I have honored your request for silence
And you've washed your hands clean of this" - Alanis Morissette
(Years ago I wrote a post about Judas Iscariot, about how hard it is to be the chosen one to betray the holy one of God, but he has to do it for the word of God must come to pass and he was stuck in that dilemma. And that if ever Judas will get to heaven, I won't be surprise... because who are we to judge his heart and his actions. No one wrote this book of life saying that Judas is condemned to hell. So anyway, this post is not about Judas but the man who washed his hands clean.)
When we talk about Pontius Pilate the governor who led Jesus to crucifixion, people would have that crinkled nose and eyes for - well, they love Jesus so much that they would blame anyone that could cause the hurt of Jesus.
Well, points and points of views I respect their opinion, I mean that point that Pilate could have done something to prevent the crucifixion because he has the power to do so, like he could have fought for our saviour, he should have had the guts to stand for what he believes and for what is the truth - that That was a righteous man - the Son of the living God.
Yes, he could have done a lot of things, by the power vested on him, yes.
And what's with that famous cliche - "for evil to triumph it is sufficient for good men to do nothing"... the exact thing that happened way back then. Poor Pilate in the eyes of everybody. As he washed his hands clean of all the mess.
But aren't we all the same like him? When we are the only one who is against the tide aren't we like him, washing our hands clean just in case the pointing finger is about to blame. So who are we to judge the governor when we are all the same like him, having a conscience kept inside a coward heart. Power vested on us but with a tied hands.
And points and points of views again, it was all in the will of God. Pilate shared his own bitter part in the history of Christianity whether he liked it or not. And like Judas, they did not want to become the villains but God gave that bitter cup to them... who are they to refuse?
So I won't be surprise either if Pilate goes to heaven like Judas for they had their share of painful sacrifice, condemned names from history until now and I guess another thousand years. Their names will continue to be names of villains. But they did not say "no" to God when they were given that bitter part that would make the prophesy a history.
So next time we point our finger to blame, think again, we might washed our hands clean but our heart, still... filthy.
Blessed Good Friday.