Sunday, June 14, 2015

To Paul n I (the first of never)

Of faith and chocolates...

If I were a chocolate I could have been sweet but the cocoa percentage got higher hence, I became bitter.

It's not my fault.
I blame the universe.

Here is my bitter - sweet story.

I was a believer of fairy tales, but I did not get my fair share of fairy tale... rather, what I've got is a blockbuster movie... but it's a tragic story.

And they say faith can move mountains, damn fake!
I was a believer until all I've got is make belief. And where is that sense of faith as little as a grain of mustard seed? - let me tell you this...

I got a huge faith about the beautiful tale and I did my best... but the mountain did not move not even a single stone.

My fairy tale turned into a tragic - action - packed movie and the supposed to be happy ever after turned into a wound that never heals. And if fairy tales' red is love, then my movie's red is nothing but blood and it taste bitter.

Well, yeah, sometimes I still believe but when reality bites, not even morphine could reduce the pain. And no amount of sugar can make it sweeter.

So I guess not all faith can move that mountain... and that grain of mustard seed their talking about... is nothing to the stars of the universe.

And no...

...chocolates are not really sweet, they just hide their bitterness.

Their story could have been my story... I prayed for that story so hard but for whatever reason God gave my story to them... I have no idea.
All I know is that I got a lot of blank pages of this book called "the girl who believed"... and I'm filling it up with lots of mistakes...

Then the song goes... "I'll just keep on making the same mistakes hoping that you'll understand... 🎢🎡🎸"