They say I have high tolerance in pain... they say I am strong... I don't know, I'm not sure if that is true because I have my own reasons.
I remember when I was in pain, I was rushed to the emergency room and the doctor asked me in a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, tell me how painful it is?
I answered 5, that was to my calculation. Another doctor checked me again, asked me again, and still I answered 5.
Then they told me you should be fainting now, you should be saying 7 or even 10.
I just smiled.
I didn't say 10 because I know that life has a lot of more painful things to give me than that pain I was feeling then.
That was way back 10 years ago... "the fault in our stars" was not even written yet.
But John Green is right, I was saving my 10, even my 7, 8 and 9.
I was saving my 10 for other things to come.
And some people think I'm immature for my age just because I always wear the brightest smile... I don't give a damn. They don't know what kind of shit I'm going through in my life.
And to you who's reading this post... next time you see me joking around... think again... just because I'm always smiling doesn't mean I never cry.