(Part 3 : Trilogy: Year Of The Capricorn)
The Reign Of The Old Capricorn
Maybe true love is when you have fallen in love so many times to different people but still, you never fell out of love to that one special person. It’s like entering into different relationships but at the back of your head, you know that your greatest temptation is that one special person. It’s whenever you broke up, the first person that will pop into your mind is still that special person… like a shadow that is just lurking but is always there.
It always goes back to him. This is the story of the old Capricorn. This is our story – before the beginning begins.
It has always been a test.
Time tested our patience.
Destiny tested our perseverance.
Trials tested our hope.
Pain tested our faith.
But love never fails.
Before the year of the Capricorn started, the old Capricorn governs this city.
There are three Capricorns, the old Capricorn, the white Capricorn, and the wicked Capricorn.
Our tale started with the white Capricorn, but lurking in every story is the history… the history of the old Capricorn.
When the year of the Capricorn was ended by the centaur, the scorpion’s sting poisoned the centaur. Then came the wicked Capricorn that deceived the whole city. The abundance was taken and when nothing is left and famine embraces
the city, the wicked Capricorn left the city and did not even looked back, like a past meant to be forgotten.
The city suffered.
But when the rain came, the city became beautiful again.
A new hope strengthened by faith and nourished by love came.
Yes, it’s the old Capricorn, the oldest of all.
The one the city never fell out of love with.
Its reign will be forevermore.
Destiny once gave up on us.
The perfect parallelism, I thought.
But now I’m sure than ever before
Destiny is giving us another chance
The bending and the twisting that I once said...
Has happened
The unbearable pain that I said I will bear
Just to make the points meet
To make the parallel lines connect and be as one circle.
I have my faith rest on this.
I was able to bear the pain of twisting and bending knowing that it was you the prize I will get.
Hoping it is you.
My parallel destined to become a circle
The old Capricorn that is weighed and found NOT wanting.
You are an Epitome of an overflowing.