Thursday, May 05, 2011

Shattered Faith

Part I

Debate is not a healthy thing to do because it only leads to two things, one – shaking of faith, and two – shattering of faith. When you enter a debate you are being fed with ideas contrary to your own opinion and at the same time, you are feeding ideas to someone contrary to his opinion too, and at the end of it, if you win, you won but your faith in your idea is shaken. If you lose, your faith is shattered and pain embraces you as if your shattered faith is a shattered glass that wounded your soul for believing in something that you have always trusted to be the truth but then, it turned out to be just a fiction… just a big lie.

Sometimes a man meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. I’ve tried to avoid it, but maybe it is my destiny to meet a destiny that would shatter my faith into pieces and worse than that, destiny is grinding those shattered pieces, making it so fine that you are sure it can never be fix again.

It is the one thing that I’ve trusted all my life, and more than just trust, I have faith on it. And never in my worst nightmare did I imagine that this will happen. And so there goes the lesson – reality is far more frightening than a nightmare.

When you’re in a nightmare, you can always wake up. But in reality, sleeping can never make it better.

We can never really trust anyone, can we?
Because even our own shadows leaves us when darkness falls.

You are the very reason I still have faith but you failed me. So tell me how can I still believe that there is still a good thing in this world when the only good thing that I’ve known since I was born turned out to be not so good at all. The purest turned out to be filthy. The truth became a lie.

It is not easy to accept the truth, but if it is the truth, we really don’t have a choice, do we?

Part II
I never dared to do it, and I never thought I could really do it… but life is a test and God is testing me with one thing I thought and was too sure that I will never do at all. But my heart is becoming too fertile of diabolique things. Yes, the heart is a very deceitful device that even the gods failed to know. It is the most poisonous venom ever known in ages that even the most deadly scorpion and even with a serpent combined cannot equal the heart. Saddest part, there was no known antidote for it.