Eternal Sunshine

I don’t know exactly what to feel about the movie (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). I wanted to get mad about the “why’s” but the madness did not stay that long… it never last that long because the reason is enough not to stay angry about it.
I don’t know exactly where we would be without our memories. I mean, memories are strong, so strong that it could make time still while the earth continues to rotate. Memories are stronger than changes, it is as strong as love and as infinite as time. Where would we be without it?
It is the architect of our being, the art of our emotions, the source of the “why” we smile, cry and get angry. It was once our life, it was once our present, it was before even before our future.. to relive it is not to live with the past but to be able to face the present and to be able to deal with the future. And I could barely imagine the poignant realization of taking it away from you. It is like you were not been born at all, you just suddenly existed as you are, no past… no memories… no beginnings.
But who are we without our past? And even if we have… how will we know it without our memory?
My heart was moved at the part (of the movie) when Joel and Clementine was at the beach, it was night and they both know that when the morning comes, their memories about each other will all be gone, then Clementine asked Joel – “So what will we do now?” then Joel paused for a while and said – “enjoy the moment.”
The way he said it was so damn frustrating, it was like… he knows it will be gone forever and he wanted it so much to seize but he knows that it is inevitable, like all the forces of nature and the universe conspired together to take it all away.
Then I ponder for a moment and asked sincerely… why do beautiful things end so soon and more painful than that… sometimes it ends even before it starts to happen.
Will there be an eternal sunshine if you have a spotless mind?