The bird says – “I maybe small but I can fly.”
The horse says – “I may not able to fly but I can run.”
The turtle says – “I may not able to run but at least I can walk, I’m not destined to crawl.”
The snake says – “I may not able to walk but at least I could crawl, I can move from one place to another.”
The tree says – “I may not able to move from one place to another but at least I’m standing tall.”
The grass says – “I may not be standing tall but at least I’m alive.”
The soil says – “I may not be alive but at least I’m fertile.”
The water says – “I may not be fertile living underground but at least I could flow.”
The coral says – “I may not be able to flow but at least I’m beautiful.”
The man says – “???”
If only man could appreciate these things…
P.S. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning when these things suddenly popped up inside my head. Good thing, I always had my pen and papers underneath my pillow, with that I could write even in the most holy hours of sleep.