I wanted to stand and speak and be the voice of those silent, misunderstood good people. Please don’t get us wrong. It hurts when people think you don’t care and judge you even when they don’t even know even just a piece of you.
The fact here is this… inside the church, people there are the so called “Christians”, they are the good flock. Now, there’s nothing wrong in nourishing these good lambs but I believe that far more than that, we are ought to seek the lost lambs, and those lost lambs aren’t found inside the church (hope you get what I mean). They are out there somewhere – lost. DON’T EVER think that those church members that aren’t that active inside the church belonged to what they so called “I DON”T CARE – Ministry”, because far more than what you think you know, they are spreading the Gospel in their own way.
Just imagine if all of us are so dedicated BUT ONLY inside the church, so active BUT ONLY inside the church… who will be there to seek the lost souls outside the church? How about them?
I say, Gospel should NOT ONLY be preach inside the church, IT should be EVERYWHERE. It should NOT ONLY be expressed in words BUT ALSO in actions and in deeds.
Some may not be that active inside the church, they might just sit at one corner and keep silent but who knows how this silent Christian preach the Gospel in his/her workplace/school/etc.? He/She might just be just another face in the crowd inside the congregation but who knows how he/she helps other people and seek for the lost souls outside the church vicinity?
I say… we preach the Gospel NOT in church BUT in our homes and workplace. We preach the Gospel NOT for the good lambs BUT for the LOST SOULS. We preach the Gospel NOT JUST in words but through our actions and deeds and the way we get along with our neighbor… even to the non-believers OUT THERE.
So to those who think we are a bunch of people who do not care about winning souls for the Lord just because we are not that loud inside the church… why don’t you peep us outside the church and see how these silent Christians preach the Gospel... and then you will know that we DO CARE.