The Battle Lies Within

1.) We can always choose.
* In the last scenes of the movie, Spiderman was talking... a sort of a voice over telling the viewers about the lesson he wants to share. That is, we could always choose. To be good or bad, to be right or wrong. Never blame the dilemma or the destiny you're in because you can always choose. And I figured out, after so long... I mean, for so many years my mind was battling about the truth on how we are supposed to stand on our beliefs. Is it all about destiny or choice? And right after watching Spiderman 3, I figured out that life is NOT JUST about destiny NOR choices. IT IS BOTH. We are destined to be in situations we never thought about because we are destined to encounter such situations. It was planned long ago by that Big Guy above that we are about to face such challenges... but we choose how to deal with it, we choose how to react on it, we choose how to handle and solve it. So life is all about (IT IS BOTH) destiny and choices... you'll never know what you gonna get. (Ooops! Forrest Gump?!)
2.) Forgiveness.
* I think, the whole story was actually all about forgiveness. I reckon so. There's that part in the movie when Peter was talking to his aunt, when he told his aunt that the man who killed his uncle is already dead, his aunt was not so happy. And she told Peter that if ever his uncle was still alive today, he never wanted them to live a single moment with revenge in their hearts. Now, I think that is a good one. I figured out long ago, I mean even before... that that thing is really hard to do even to those who we can consider equal opportunity saints. But then again, it is our choice to do the humanly act of revenge or to forgive so as we are forgiven by the Divine. I always believe that to love is but a human but to forgive is divine. Forgiveness... yes, forgive those who had done you wrong and mostly, forgive yourself. It will lighten your burden inside... I reckon so. But it is true... who wants to live their lives full of grudges by the way? So then... forgive.
3.) The battle lies within.
* It is true that when the world is so bad but you remain good, sometimes, it sucks to be the only kind person living. And sometimes, it really feels good to be bad... so the battle lies within. You feel the power and it is good but eventually you will lose yourself. So again, it is your choice, to be bad because it feels good but then you will lose yourself or to remain kind even though the world sucks. (I know this sound a bit ridiculous but come on! we can make this world a better place... heaven is here on earth only if we know how to work for it and appreciate it before our eyes.)
4.) Everybody needs help.
* MJ told that one true thing to Peter... "everybody needs help... sometimes, even Spiderman." Oooh! what a line! Who doesn't need a saviour anyway - right? Come on! save yourself if you can... but I doubt it! Can you save yourself from the fiery of hell because of your sins? Come on! Tell me, who doesn't need a saviour?
5.) Friendship/Trust after betrayal.
* It is a good thing to think that such friends exist, you know, after all that had happened between Peter and Harry, in the end, their friendship still won the battle in spite all the odd times. Again, it is Harry's choice to help the one who he thought killed his father, who won the girl he loved, who was the best and leaving him only the 2nd place in almost every aspect of their lives. He could have joined the villains if he wanted to so that it would be the end of both Peter Parker and Spiderman, but he didn't. He choose to be a good person in spite of self pity and that bitter angst of revenge. He chose to help his friend leaving what lies behind. Harry is indeed a hero... too, not only Spiderman - right?!
That's All Folks!
Why do super heroes not raised up by their real parents? I mean Superman was raised by some kind folks and Spidey was raised up by his aunt and uncle. Also, why do they always work in some newspaper prints as photographers? - Just mind boggling!
Who doesn't want popularity?
Who doesn't want to be famous by the way?
Even Spiderman wants that!
That's all you get from you friendly neighborhood... Odessa Mann! =p