Story Of His Wife
Shortly after the Fiasco with the service station, E.V. came home one night and found the house dark. When he opened the door, he saw Jane (his wife) had prepared a candlelight dinner for two. "What meaneth thou this?" - he said with a characteristic humor. "Well, we're going to eat by candlelight tonight" (said Jane). E.V. thought that was a great idea and went into the bathroom to wash his hands. He tried unsuccessfully to turn on the light. Then he felt his way into the bedroom and flipped another switch. Darkness prevailed. The young pastor went back to the dining room and asked Jane why electricity was off. She begun to cry. "You work so hard and we're trying but its pretty rough. I didn't have quite enough money to pay the light bill. I didn't want you to know about it, so I thought we could just eat by candle light". E.V. Hill described his wife's words with intense emotions - She could have said, I've never been in this situation before. I was reared in the house of Dr. Canthers, and we never had our lights off. She could have broken my spirit, she could have ruined me, she could have demoralized me, but instead, she said - "Somehow or another we'll get these lights on... but for now, let's eat tonight by candlelight."
This is the quality of a wife who light candles and not just curse the darkness.
A very incredible true story.(From the book I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Josh Harris)I've read this book twice already. Sometime last year and early this year. I've just finished my "second time" around reading the book. I'm still not that sure when will be the third round, though!...