Sunday, August 23, 2020

Rise of the Fallen

Even the strongest of men shall fall...
But only the brave ones shall rise back again.

For it takes courage to get up again 
Once you've fallen.

The World of Babel

We all live in a world of Babel.
We speak in different tongues.
Some even have sharp ones,
Enough to cut your soul.
But the saddest thing
In the world of Babel,
Is when you speak the language
That even your kin
Cannot understand.

P.s. More than just a daughter...
I am also a mother.
And if I'm dead to you, 
Why are you at the wake?
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
Look at how my tears ricochet. - T.S.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I don't know how heaven looks...
But I'm pretty sure it feels like...
Being wrapped inside your arms.

The Eye of the Beholder

Either you see it as a dirty damp on the pavement...
Or you see it as a mirror reflecting the trees and the sky.

Friday, August 14, 2020

🎢We're after the same rainbow's end...🌈

Sunday, August 09, 2020


I promise...
No matter how crazy the world gets...
We'll have our happy ending.

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain... 
Ctto 😊

Of Meaningless Poetry

It is when poetry
Becomes meaningless
And music
Goes out of tune...
There I go searching...
For you.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

The Side of the Circle

The triangle has 3 sides, the square has 4, and the pentagon has 5 and so on… 

 Ever wonder how and why did the circle lose its side? It was a question that popped up in my mind and so I tried my best to answer myself. 

Here’s my thought…

 A long time ago the circle has two sides… or maybe we can call it points. 
The circle has two points. 
But these two points can never be together. 
So he cried unto God. 

God said – “what are you willing to give up so that those points could be together?” 

The circle said – “I am willing to give up my sides, my points, my views my straight line. 
I am willing to be curved even though it is painful to be bent just for these points to be together, to be connected forever.” 

 And God said – “you will lose everything for eternity and eternity will be yours without anything.” 

 The circle then lose its side, the 2 points became connected and it became round. 

And so, ergo, the legend of the circle.

 You see, in life, there will come a time that we would be willing to give everything we had, our fame, our career, our life, our own point of views, our pride just to be connected… just to be eternally connected. 

 ‘For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26 (KJV)

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Music Weather