Monday, September 24, 2018

The Ballad of Sunsets and Shooting Stars : The Afterglow

Late afternoons has always been my favorite part of the day because I never get tired of watching the sunset.
Sometimes I ask myself - Why is sunset so beautiful?
Then one afternoon while watching yet another sunset, I realized that, it is beautiful because God designed that even in the afterglow of the day there will always be a reason to see the beauty.

And likewise in life, as we grow old, leaving behind the prime time of our youth, in the afterglow of our dooming age... There is beauty in it.
Like those grandparents whom are sitting at their back porch every late afternoon, I see them as a beautiful portrait of a life lived, of a love tested in time, of a wisdom acquired through age.
Their wrinkles are like traces of a beautiful sketch of a dream realized, of a tragedy surpassed, of a pain that turned into callous, of joy buried in their eyes.

It is beautiful to see the traces of their soul withering yet full of wisdom.

It is beautiful to see their smiles lined with wrinkles that has been carved by joys and pains.

It is beautiful even just in a thought that growing old is not a pain but a beautiful sunset of a day lived.

The afterglow of our years to come is like a sunset... We soon bid goodbye to the day like bidding goodbye to our life growing old... But like the sunset... The afterglow of our lives is still beautiful.

And so I'm not scared to grow old...
In fact, in turns me on to enjoy the sunset of my life.