I was in Starbucks this evening just enjoying my coffee when a barista approached me and asked of if I could do a coffee tasting with them. So I accepted the offer. After the introductions, they served the espressos. They asked me some questions like what comes first to your mind when you smell the aroma of coffee, and I answered - great mornings because I love mornings. I love having a late breakfast with a cup of hot coffee while I indulge my mind with ideas and then blog about it.
But my answer to their last question, is what I think lingered in their minds. They asked me how do I relate myself to espresso coffee and I answered - "well, as we know, coffee tastes bitter but still, it's good... just like life, in our lives we all have bitterness, but still, life is good."
And everybody laughed...
And I just hope I touched their lives in my small way... I hope somehow I inspired them on how life and coffee should be.