Friday, April 17, 2015


When your legs don't work like they used to before and I can't sweep you off of your feet."

I was eating at McDonald's after my morning jog awhile ago, the morning sun is on rise and the perfect golden rays were seeping through the glass window making a prism on my table. As I was there eating my muffin, I saw one employee of the building sweeping the pavement. I watched him move sideways as he glides the mop and a thought came to my mind... that maybe love is like sweeping the pavement. Some might say "why do you have to keep on sweeping the pavement when it is impeccable and inevitable that eventually it will get dirty again." It's like - why do you have to brush your teeth when later on you will eat again...

I guess that is love... it is impeccable and inevitable that eventually we will get hurt but still we need to love again. It is not a foolish thing to do but it is a must, an important part of our living. If nobody cleans the pavement, then one day we would not be able to pass that way again. If we don't brush our teeth, then eventually we will suffer because they'll fall and then we can on longer chew and thus we can no longer eat the food we love.

Love is important part of our lives, and if we don't love , then eventually we will suffer as well. We will forget the meaning of happiness and compromise and kindness. And when all that is left is hatred, tell me, is it worth the living?

So I guess that is one nice lesson that could sweep off our feet.

Have a nice day!