Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Even Jesus Laughed
This message just made me smile... thought of sharing it.
Its NOT funny but somehow it has a lot of sense... I guess for those who have it.
It goes...
"Do you know that JOKES are far better than PROMISES?...
Because JOKES are half meant... while PROMISES are half lies." - R.D.W.
Well, that made me realized that if JOKES are half meant, when you punch a joke twice will that mean its whole?... then you are no longer joking. So if you keep on joking... maybe you're serious after all.
If PROMISES are half lies, then if you made a promise twice, will that mean its all a lie? Because in the first place, you will not make another promise unless you broke the first one... - right?
Deeper thoughts from a shallow brain... ☺