If it would not have been from my pathetic angst, I could have appreciated the story more. It is tragic. But I love tragedies, though it is terrible. I'm terribly mean in feeding my emotions, huh! I picked that book from my brother's shelf thinking that reading a novel might somehow change the mood of my mad season. Thinking that - " Two things cannot occupy the same place at the same time". But as two things suddenly collide, then three, four, thousands, millions, billions!... Billions of thoughts suddenly collide inside my mind. I can't resist their way of occupancy. And now, I have to reject that theory and give way for a paradigm shift... that is, the Quantum Theory.
Weighing each and summing them all up is less than the whole. I've got the whole.
Again believing that Gestalt theory that - "The whole is more than the sum of everything".
How I wish I could appreciate it more.
But how can you appreciate something that actually provokes you to feel the bitter ache and angst?