Time now speaks,
I miss the feelings I once had in you, But I don't miss you,
I miss the way you motivate me,
Now I realize that you're really the lost I can't replace...
...well, I did not lost you
...cause I never had you.
Finally time speaks,
That even though I'll find something new,
A part of me will always be with you,
I know that's one part of me that I can't get back,
One thing that is irreplaceable.
"I miss you though I never knew you"
...that's what I always say to you,
But then time speaks,
I never knew you but I know in my heart that I've loved you.
Love... time will tell me if I'm still in love with you.
Time suddenly speaks,
I've learned so much from the time I've learned to love you,
And the time I run away from you...
The lesson within you even after I go...
Even after you go...
The lesson that will be treasured in my heart,
For the hopes of someday my dreams won't broke apart.
You're not one in a million,
Cause you're the only one I knew that is like you,
You're only one... in this whole wide world,
No one before,
No one in this splendid time,
No one to come who is like you.
I'm not hoping that someday we'll meet and you'll have the chance to read all the songs I wrote for you
...I'm not wishing either for that time to come.
I'm happy just to feel your touch in my life,
Its a touch with a feeling,
A touch in my soul and not just merely on my skin.
Time speaks again,
I hope you're happy,
Having fun, learning, and exploring the world with love in your heart.
I hope your cherished dreams will unfold into reality,
I pray for your success and happiness.
...I'll see you in my dreams,
If I will sleep... if I can sleep tonight... if you'll be there in my dreams tonight.
Love... time will tell...
Time will speak...
...somehow it will speak again to me...