Sunday, September 15, 2024

Thoughts and Ponders

 Ever wonder why in “ALMOST” all the great love stories you have read or heard, one of the lovers falls in love first before the other will finally feel the same way too? Did you ever wonder why they can't fall in love at the same time?

Well, I've realized that if two people will fall in love at the same time, at the same velocity, at the same force, at the same acceleration... then they will land at the same time. 

If they will land at the same time... then they can never catch each other, right? Both of them will end up hurt, broken and shattered into millions of pieces... then they can never be together.

So each love stories are designed to be twisted in a way that one of them falls in love first so that when he/she reached the ground, he/she could catch the other one when the time finally comes for the other one to fall too.

 On the other hand, if the first one who fell broke down into pieces, then the other one could gather up all the pieces to make it whole again.