Friday, March 18, 2022


The struggles during the time when I was doing my research for my Master's Degree has challenged me in so many ways.
It tested my temper, my patience, my ability to balance work and school and home. (I am literally juggling now). It challenged my physical, mental and emotional health. And above all, it tested my FAITH.
And for all the hard works that I had done for this, my prayer is much harder.
For in so many ways, I was a hopeless case.
But once again, I am being able to testify how God could work in the most mysterious ways that could make your journey through hell, a triumphant victory.

P.s. Receiving this email from my professor this evening is so elating that I got teary eyed. 
And once again I have to remind myself to be of good faith for I am almost there where God has promised.😊