For this year's National Hero's day post...
Let us acknowledge the hero of our everyday lives.
Let us acknowledge our FAITH as our unseen hero in our daily struggles.
For whatever our faith is, whether you're a Christian, a Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Atheist, or simply Humanist...
Whether this Faith is blind, or hardworking, or simply a belief without a clause...
Truth is it doesn't matter where our faith belongs.
I believe that Faith is simply implanted within our hearts to give us hope. For who knows if there is really someone up there watching and hearing our prayers at night... No one could prove that there is really a god of any sort... But because of Faith in what we cannot see, we live. We feel that warmth that someone is really watching over us, someone up there really cares for us... And that belief kept us alive in our darkest moments.
FAITH plant seeds of hope in our hearts. The reason why we hope is because we have Faith. The reason why we gain the courage to Love is because we have Faith. The reason why we keep on going is because we have Faith.
It maybe as tiny as a mustard seed... It maybe as fragile as our mortal souls... But it has always been the source of our strength.
As for me...
My frail Faith is leading me somewhere I don't know...
But I'm learning the art of walking by my Faith more than trusting my instincts.
I maybe walking in the dark...
But the last time I checked... I got that shot in the dark and that shot was one of my best shots in life so far... So who am I to question this Faith?
I maybe in the dark...
But the stars and the moon has always been in the dark eversince the world begun...
But the last time I checked...
They just keep on shining.
So it is not a question whether you're in the dark...
It is about how would you shine in the midst of darkness.
And there goes Faith.
It is that spark of hope somewhere...
It is the warmth of love in there...
FAITH is that warm spark that ignites hope and nourishes love.
FAITH is the HERO that lives within us.
FAITH is the HERO that guides us.
FAITH is our HERO in our everyday lives.
I'll never lose my Faith in YOU.
P.s. Happy Rizal Day everyone!