could draw or paint, then everything in art is easy.
No... That is a blasphemy in the name of Art.
Especially if you're an emotional artist where every stroke, every colour is made by your emotions.
Time is very important to every artist.
Truth is... We can't just paint something unless we feel our connection to it.
Some people would ask me to paint this and to paint that and expect that I will do it right away. No!...
Expect me to do it for them... No!
Artists need to procrastinate for a while.
Contemplate on what we're about to paint.
We need to have a connection on what we're about to do.
We need to connect with the colours and hues that we're going to use.
We need to IMAGINE what are we going to paint.
How to start?
Where to start?
Why this piece?
What is the reason?
Who is the inspiration?
All those we need to answer first.
We need time to make peace with our planned piece.
Just then... We could finally start stroking the brush.
And every piece we make has a story and a reason behind.
So don't ask why we tend to have small circle of friends...
It is because we only get along with those people that we feel connected too.
And not because we're talking means we're friends...
Unless I shared a deep secret with you... Then don't ever think you're part of my circle.
Just blogging though.