Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Villain Playing Like a Victim

Here's a thought...
You can play the villain all you want, in fact, I could play the victim too. But here's the dirty truth... I'll play the victim just for my amusement to see how far you'll go... But one thing is for sure... I'll be burning coals on your head with a childish grin mocking you.

Monday, August 19, 2019


I've been a fan of the Beatles since I was 3 or 4 years old. My dad would usually play their songs early in the morning before he goes to work and at that young age I always thought that they are pure genius. I love almost all of their songs that at that young age as well, I was already thinking deep of what were the meanings behind those songs.

When I was in highschool I got this thing about Tesla's Time Machine that at that time I told myself that if I could go back in time then I will go back to the time before the Beatles were born and I'll be playing their songs and no one would know that it was theirs. Such imaginations, I know, I'm a kid, forgive me.
But I also thought that if I do that, I might not be as successful as they are. Maybe people will not accept that kind of songs because it would be a different set up if we try to rewrite the past.

So 22 years later, this movie "Yesterday" is doing what I've imagined back in 1997, with just a little difference since my imagination was about time travel while the movie is about a fragment of history lost.

And it's funny how coincidence happen right before your eyes.

I just hope that losing The Beatles will not happen in our real lives cause it would be grievious losing those music that gave us the definition of art.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Weekend painting session

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Road to Professionalism

I had my lecture last week about work and ethics which I entitled - "Road to Professionalism". And as usual, the last part of my lecture is always the essay. And upon reading all their papers, one student got my attention, maybe because we've got different point of views in life, I mean, so far different. So I responded her with a simple advice which I do hope would change her views and opinion to be a better person.

First, I wrote her that even though you've learned all the things you needed to know in this world, if you don't apply it, then your learning is a failure because the realization of one's knowledge is how you impart it to others.

Second, yes, experiences, life's choices and mistakes are always the best teacher, and yes, we learn a lot from it, but there are so many mistakes this world has to offer and a lifetime is not enough to commit all those mistakes just to learn from it, that is why there is also a cliche that says - "learn from other people's mistakes". Because if you live your life doing all the mistakes this world has to offer, you'll look back when you're older and realize that you are that one big joke no one is laughing at. And it would be so sad to die in this world without touching someone's life in a good way. If you leave a mark to anyone, make sure that mark is not a scar.

Third and last, we all believe in YOLO (you only live once), we all believe in living in a moment and living it to the fullest, yes, I do agree in all that, I also agree that we should enjoy the present... Yes, enjoy the present but not to the extent that it will ruin your future.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Respectation 2.0

Respect is something you give to others in spite of what and who they are because you have it in you. If you can't respect everyone, it only means that you don't have respect to yourself as well, for you cannot impart something you don't even have.
And respecting everyone even those who don't deserve it doesn't make you less repectful.
Just saying.