Friday, April 19, 2019
The Noble Villain
It is a dilemma between obeying what is right and being kind enough to hurt. To be honest to hurt or to lie for the most sincere reason. To fight in the midst of not knowing if the one you’re fighting for is at your side or worst… the one you’re fighting for is the one you’re fighting with. I see love in there… I might be the prophecy… I might be the tongue… I might be the knowledge… then I shall fail, I shall cease, I shall vanish away. Maybe my soul-purpose is to make them stronger for one another. Maybe I was destined to be the tester of faith… of their faithfulness for each other, and I know I could choose on what to do… but the truth is… I really don’t have a choice… I don’t have any options. Like Judas… did Judas really had a choice then when he kissed and betrayed Jesus? Oh! Come on! If he did not do that, the prophecy will fail. He just fulfilled his destiny. He should have gotten his reward for doing it good. Being the villain for the noblest reason.