There are a lot of really beautiful and meaningful songs out there, which is sad to say, are underrated and do not make it to the top lists of hits because, sad to say, most of the listeners now appreciate junk music. I mean, its like choosing junk foods over a bowl of salad because it taste much better though it doesn't have any nutrition. Like junk music with that up beat that makes everyone dance or tap their foot, but the words are just repeating words without direction or meaning or sad to say, sense.
And as a person who looks up so much to music, I find it a bit disrespectful to such a fine art to be treated or created that way. I mean, music is an art. An art that I respect so much that it hurts me in a way only a music and his lover could understand, every time the art in music is taken for granted. I mean the art IN music.
ART IN MUSIC, because anyone can make a music even if you are disregarding art in making it... Hence, noise was created.
And my heart just breaks in pieces every time I hear a nice song that nobody knows... For reasons like, a company rejected it because they think people will not buy it because people nowadays prefer junks, or because it was released but people did not really buy it because they do really prefer junks. It breaks my heart as a songwriter not being heard. I know how it feels. I know how music keep on banging inside us wanting to prove to the world that there's so much art and beauty but no one appreciates real art now.
Its sad.
Sad that kids no longer hear such fine artistry nowadays and sadder to think they might not hear it in their lifetime.
So I keep on trying. Trying to make a way to bring back the art in music.
Who knows...